Once the project is completed, an innovative, closed cabin, eco-friendly three-wheeled vehicle will be introduced, utilizing two wheels in the front and one wheel in the rear (hereinafter TT vehicle). In the field of automotive, this will be an alternative between a motorcycle and a regular car, featuring the best features from both fields. Maneuverability, dynamics, and small physical footprint combined with safety, comfort & stability.
The market for this type of TT vehicle is ecology-focused individuals, mindful of the environment and sustainability, higher-income individuals (as a second family vehicle) as well as more active individuals, who prefer more active lifestyles, who already drive motorcycles, scooters, compact vehicles or bicycles.
MB “Rimti ratai” project is being realizable via the 2014-2020 European Union structural funds investment program, 1-st priority measure called “The promotion of research, experimental development, and innovation”, No. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856 „Eksperimentas“, project number No. 01.2.1-LVPA-K-856-01-0054. The goal of the measure is to encourage companies to invest in research and/or experimental development necessary for the creation of innovative products, services, or processes (hereinafter – MTEP), as well as encourage the development of companies by investing in the creation and development of MTEP and innovation infrastructure.
The main goal of the project is to increase the innovative potential of the company by creating a tilting vehicle. In order to achieve the goal of the project, the tasks related to the development of the titling system controls must be solved; the development of unique parts & subsystems; the development of the TT vehicle prototype; and theoretical and experimental research of the developed TT vehicle prototype.
MB “Rimti ratai” started their activity in year 2019. The founders of the company are high-competency specialists with major experience in innovative engineering & transportation solutions.
To complete this project a total of 1.040.465,87 EUR investment was made from the European Regional Development Fund.
The project duration is 36 months.